Anna zoekt een Appartement / Studio in Brugge

Anna zoekt: Een Appartement / Studio in Brugge

  • Appartement / Studio
  • Min. 25 m2
  • Vrouw
  • 10 Per direct

Hello, we're a young and calm couple from Ukraine. My boyfriend studying at university Howest in Brugge in cyber security and I came to him from Ukraine after the beginning of the war as a refugee. Now we're renting 2 different rooms for ourselves, but I obligated to leave my social room and find an appartment/studio. He is getting a scholarship of +/- 4500€ for living every september and a part from scolarship our total income every month is +/- 1500€, so we have never had any problems with paying on time 810€ for our rooms. Thanks for attention!

Algemene informatie: Anna
  Vrouw, 21 jaar